Posts tagged ‘rain’

Today was boring

See above. It was rainy, after days and days of glorious sun, and I was sleepy. Β I had lots of caffeine, but it didn’t help. I get free coffee at work. This can be a problem sometimes. A delicious, delicious problem. πŸ™‚

I tried to make overnight oats for this morning…..I failed. I used too much water, I think. I ate it anyway; it tasted good, but the consistency was wrong. I’m trying again today with half the amount of water.

I used a Dannon Light n Fit yogurt for this because I was out of greek yogurt. Sads. 😦 I don’t usually buy this yogurt, but they have some awesome flavors, like this morning’s: Toasted Coconut and Vanilla. It was delicious.

I also had some hot chocolate, which I don’t even need to mention.

Then, off to work! There, I snacked on bread, coffee, and a small salad with honey mustard dressing. It was good; I was really munchy today. I blame the rain. πŸ˜‰

After work, I ate a chewy high-protein flax tortilla I brought along, and went to pick up my bike! Yay! At this particular store, when you buy a bike from them, they don’t charge you for labor for repair, just for parts. It’s a sweet deal in and of itself, but today they didn’t even charge me for a new inner tube for my flat tire! I have no idea why, but I like it! I stuck around, saying, “Are you sure? Really?” haha, I bet they thought I was crazy.

After disassembling my bike and smooshing it into my back seat, I went to the gym. My. Legs. HURT. from yesterday’s run, so I stuck to the bike, did a few squats, and stretched my little booty off. I kind of like stretching when I’m sore, it makes it more satisfying.

–> Home. –> Β Eat. –> Tofu.

A cup of cottage cheese and strawberries and cinnamon and Truvia. Don’t be fooled, there were many more strawberries.

Yeaaah. Then, some BB, a blendy thing, and other snackage ensued.

Yeah, it was in a bowl. I was out of big cups….

This is always where I fail at “good eating”, and tonight was no different, but it was mildly better than other nights.

For instance: I caught myself eating hummus and cheese and pb out the containers, and stopped, and had this instead:

I had other things, too, but it was not as bad as other times. So I see progress! Yay positivity!

Work and gym tomorrow, and LOTS O’ HOMEWORK. I can doooo it!

Watching bad TV and mooching a backrub from mommy tonight.

Have a great weekend! πŸ™‚

April 9, 2010 at 9:55 pm Leave a comment